
This is How I hosted my own Netflix for Absolutely 0 additional cost!

Author: NotoriousArnav

Published on: Dec. 16, 2023, 12:19 p.m.

Here is a Quick summary on how I hosted my own Server, where I can store my Code, Edit it, and also Use it as an Alternative to Netflix!


The First answer is, I can so I did it, and the second answer is I am tired of Relying on Cloud services controlling our Lives, like literally they control every aspect of our lives, and what not?! Ohhh, also my Laptop Broke in such a way, that I just can't Really take it anywhere anyore, so I used the Opportunity to turn it into a Small server! I also have a collection of Music CDs, that i inherited from my family, and trust me you can't find those songs anyhere on the Internet!


Well, it pretty easy! I installed Ubuntu Server on my Laptop (without LVM since I am low on storage) and Forwarded the Ports of my laptop to the Public IP of the Router.

I forwarded Ports for SSH, Jellyfin, Git Server, and Code Server, so that I can use a Small Tablet to use these services from anywhere in the world!


So, first download Ubuntu Server [Downlkoad page] and then I flashed it on my USB drive using Rufus.

Then I booted my laptop from the USB and Installed it to my SSD. During the Installation I check marked the "Install OpenSSH Server" option to enable the SSH Server.

After rebooting, I installed a GUI. This time I went with Xorg and downloaded LXDE, since its feature packed despite beign so light weight.

Using the Terminal and Some Online Articles on the Internet I installed GitTea, Jellyfin, Code Server and DuckDNS.


This is How I configured the Clients!

Since I told you, I carry a Tablet and 2 cell phones, I installed Termux and Jellyfin on all three of them. I also install VH Editor on my tablet  to Connect to the VS Code server on my Laptop, although I prefer Mosh+tmux+NeoVim, which can be used in any SSH Connection itself.

Since, I have the DVDs of many Classic Movies and Music, I ripped them and Stored them in my SSD so that me and my family and friends can Access it from Anywhere on their Phone and other devices.


But still why?

I did this all this, just so that I can satisfy the Tinkerer in me, and Also learn a Lot about how should I deploy stuff and many more.


Don't let the Tinkerer in you Die.

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