My Learnings from Namaste React [Episode 01]


Published on: Nov. 21, 2023, 11:41 a.m.

I am always a fan of Akshay Saini, whenever I have learnt something from him. His curiosity shows that's how much he is dedicated to every work he does in React and currently he is doing the same for us! A big tribute to him for this :)

Now here is my learning that I am documenting for remembering things so that I can demonstrate what I learn! Please do read it till the end to learn something as it is not chatGPT but me writing it with my thoughts :)

The course started with a warm welcome from Akshay and also his energy made me watch the video till the end :)

It's a great web dev course for anyone learning about React for the first time.

Here are some the questions our mentor gave to research and learn from them.

What is Emmet?

Emmet is a code-generating template available in VS Code that enhances the developer experience. It provides shortcuts and abbreviations to speed up coding. For example, typing HTML:5 in the VS Code editor when working on an index.html file triggers a dropdown that lets you select the corresponding HTML code snippet.

As it is a built-in plugin and there are various other variations in which we can fasten our developer experience with other snippets. A really good piece of documentation I came across was their official documentation. You can check it out here. Helped me write a lot of shorthand code snippets in HTML :)

Difference between a Library and a Framework.

A library is a collection of pre-written code that you can use to perform specific tasks. It provides you with ready-made functions and tools that you can use in your code.

You can pick and choose which parts of the library to use and integrate them into the project as needed. Libraries are flexible and give you more control over your code. Can be used anywhere anytime. "Easily Integrateable"

Whereas in the case of a Framework, it is a pre-established set of rules, structures, and tools that dictate how your software should be organized and how it should function. Frameworks are opinionated and often come with conventions and patterns to streamline development.

Even though we can change framework rules, it's like changing a standardized version of something.

I was still confused with the idea, so I did more research about it and got a fair share of the idea that in the case of Library, there are fewer rules and in the case of Frameworks there are more rules that is needed to be followed.

What is CDN? Why do we use it?

CDN in simple words is known as a Content Delivery Network. It is a place / separate server where any type of content is hosted and can be loaded by calling them inside our web app(s).

We use CDN because of various reasons, by searching for those reasons here are some of them I discovered.

  • Faster Load speed as it will be hosted on a separate server and would be only called when needed.<br /> <br /> * Bandwidth Savings, like it will help us save money on the server side of the main web app if the traffic is high.<br />

These are the two main crucial factors I saw, there are still many but here is what I conclude from this topic.

Why is "React" known as React?

The name is a very clever one and also a planned one I guess ;P

React is known as React because it helps the browser to react to changes very efficiently when data is updated/deleted/changed. Like the efficient way of updating data or various places just with a click/ on hover etc.

The name "React" relates to the idea that UI components built with React respond to changes in data and update the user interface accordingly.

What is cross-origin in the script tag?

You might think that how come we are using cross -origin in script tag. Its because

Difference between React and ReactDOM?

Difference between react.development.js and react.production.js files via CDN?

What are async and defer in script tags?

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