
I suck at Finance, So I made an App for it :)

Author: NotoriousArnav

Published on: Dec. 30, 2023, 6:31 p.m.

Yup, I  seriously suck at Finance, despite bieng the Math Topper in my Class. I always had that one Problem, because of which I could Only Scream

Where tf Is my money going????

Now, around this time, I also got my Bank Account Opened and My UPI IDcreated, so there were indeed, plenty of apps that could get my job done, easily and with even more features,

but do you know what? I am a Paranoid guy, and I will do everything to protect my Privacy and keep my data Private.

here is the source code, you impatient and stupid hooman

Now, I know you just opened this Link in a New Tab and Are reading this in a Split Screen mode. Before I start boring you with how I made it by doing a deep dive into the Code, for your Context this is what I did in a Short 30 second reading.

You can clearly see I used Flask :). Yes, I am a Python Guy and I am proud of it, what do you mean Express is Better? I don't Want to write unprotected SQL Statements that can lead to SQL Injection attacks, instead I will Use a Library called SQLAlchemy, or to be More Specific, a Flask Plugin made to Integrate SQLAlchemy with Flask, so that I can Blame it instead :). For Data Export and Visualization, I used Pandas and Matplotlib, and yes in next commit I will integrate Chart.js too, so be patient.

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