
Guide on Bromine's API

Author: NotoriousArnav

Published on: Dec. 6, 2023, 12:27 p.m.

An guide on How to Use Bromine's API

In the course of my work with Bromine, I recognized the potential challenges posed by its UI due to my limited UI design skills. To address this, I dedicated effort to developing an undocumented API for Bromine. The base URL for this API is*. As evidenced on my portfolio website (, I have successfully employed Bromine's API to showcase my blogs. In today's blog post, we will delve into the specifics of Bromine's undocumented API and effectively document its usage.

Understanding the API

The Bromine API serves as a powerful tool for enhancing user experiences, especially when faced with UI limitations. By tapping into this API, developers can access valuable functionality to streamline workflows and elevate their applications.

Base URL

The fundamental component of Bromine's API is the base URL:*. This serves as the entry point for interacting with various endpoints that offer specific functionalities.


Bromine API Endpoints In-Depth Overview

Bromine's API provides a robust set of endpoints to facilitate various functionalities within the platform. Below is an in-depth overview of key endpoints, elaborating on their purposes and use cases.

1. List Blogs: /api/blogs/

  • Description: Retrieve a comprehensive list of all available blogs in Bromine.
  • HTTP Method: GET

Use Case: This endpoint is integral for presenting users with a dynamic feed of all published blog posts. It is commonly employed on homepage or blog listing pages to offer a comprehensive overview of the available content.

2. Retrieve Specific Blog: /api/blogs/<slug>/

  • Description: Fetch detailed information about a specific blog post, identified by its unique slug.
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • <slug>: Unique identifier of the blog post.

Use Case: This endpoint serves the purpose of displaying the complete content of a specific blog post. It is typically used on dedicated pages for individual blog posts.

3. Create Blog: /api/create/blog/

  • Description: Allows the creation of a new blog post in Bromine.
  • HTTP Method: POST

Use Case: This endpoint empowers users to contribute new content to the platform. It is commonly utilized in conjunction with a submission form on a website, enabling seamless content creation.

4. List and Create Comments: /api/blogs/<slug>/comments/

  • Description: List existing comments on a blog post or create a new comment for the specified blog.
  • HTTP Methods: GET (for listing), POST (for creating)
  • Parameters:
    • <slug>: Unique identifier of the blog post.

Use Case: This dual-purpose endpoint facilitates both the display of existing comments on a blog post and the submission of new comments. It enhances user engagement and interaction with the content.

5. Retrieve User Profile: /api/user/<str:username>/profile

  • Description: Retrieve detailed profile information for a specific user based on their username.
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • <str:username>: Username of the target user.

Use Case: This endpoint is crucial for presenting user profiles on the platform, providing insights into individual users and fostering a sense of community.

6. User Login: /api/auth/login/

  • Description: Initiates a user login session by authenticating their credentials.
  • HTTP Method: POST

Use Case: This endpoint ensures secure user authentication, allowing users to access their accounts and engage with personalized features.

7. User Logout: /api/auth/logout/

  • Description: Terminates the current user's session, logging them out.
  • HTTP Method: POST

Use Case: Providing a mechanism for users to log out ensures the security of their accounts and terminates active sessions.

These meticulously designed endpoints collectively contribute to the functionality and user experience within Bromine, covering essential aspects from content management to user interactions and authentication. Each endpoint is tailored to serve its specific purpose, aligning with best practices in API design and usage.


Further Documentation will be Also Posted/Updated, meanwhile You can Play around with these API Endpoints!

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